Monday, January 28, 2019

Discovering How to Rise Again

Vincent Van Gogh, one of my favorite artists once said: "In spite of everything, I shall rise again." Lately, I've been slacking on my resolutions and wallowing in the guilt. I told myself I was doomed to live in a body I was not happy with, doomed to always feel at arm's length from God, doomed to eat poorly. I really threw myself a pity party! And it's time to throw the guests on their ear. Guilt, shame, doubt. All of them-gone! I read a radical post online recently stating we have the power to change our lives in every decision. Think about it, you can put down your device, walk out the door and join the circus-completely changing your life. I choose to change my life and start over. As far as I'm concerned the New Years ball is about to drop and I'll pick up where I left off. Even though it means I have to completely rearrange my schedule, again. I will live a healthier, happier life.

I've been learning to appreciate the small things in my life. Access to clean water, for starters. That's a luxury far too many people don't have. I'm teaching myself to have a grateful heart, instead of only seeing what is not in my life. Part of having a grateful heart is serving, wherever possible. I have often told my friends to step out of their lives and volunteer somewhere when they couldn't seem to shake their bad mood. I finally can take my own advice by serving in my church. Yes, there are a few circumstances out of my control, but I'm also taking steps to get some control of my life. 

Learning to find every blessing, adjusting my priorities, and setting fresh goals have all really opened my life up for massive changes. I'll be going back to school soon to pursue my dream of studying aquatic biology.  I'll finally have a license and be able to take my daughter on outings. I've been planning better quality meals. I'm taking several steps to grow my business. Once again, everything feels back on track. 

Of course, everything is still a journey. Part of growing my business is my GoFundMe campaign, which is designed to allow me to interact with my fans and followers. One of my goals is to provide higher quality trinkets for my group on Facebook, Seaspray's Shoal. These trinkets will eventually be available in my store as soon as I can open. 

Despite every obstacle, perhaps to spite every obstacle, I will be making a conscious, daily choice to follow Vincent Van Gogh's words. 

I will rise again. 


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Discovering Persistence

Hello, seastars! Today I'm celebrating an officially monetized blog! Great, right? This blog would not be monetized without a lot of patience and persistence. In fact, a lot of things in my life wouldn't exist as they do without persistence. It's a lesson I've learned and re-learned countless times, and I know I'll keep learning it in the future. For now, I'll just enjoy the success.

I'll be the first one to tell you I have a tendency to throw in the towel early, a habit that deeply annoys me. Yes, you read that right. I annoy myself with my own habits. What happens is I get way ahead of myself and plan out something to the very last detail, if my plans are more long-term I get discouraged when I don't see results right away. A perfect example is my active GoFundMe campaign. My campaign, "Vision of a Mermaid", has only been live for a few days and so far I have not had a single donor. And to date, I have been the only one to share my campaign link. I'm happy to broadcast "Vision of a Mermaid", to be completely honest I wasn't sure how the campaign would be received. Ultimately, my plan is to take the funds earned from "Vision of a Mermaid" and invest in supplies to start a Kickstarter campaign. Yes, I have other goals for my GoFundMe account, like a high quality, completely eco-friendly costume. This costume would allow me to perform (hopefully) in tanks.  To read more about "Vision of a Mermaid" check out this link.

I've been learning to take the big projects that usually end up discouraging me one step at a time. Literally. It is far less intimidating for me to do one productive activity a day related to each of my projects. The difference this approach has made in my life, professional and personal, is truly astounding. I'm far more productive, I feel better about my progress, I'm happier, and my list of projects is shrinking (because they are actually getting done!). If you're like me and find big, long-term projects a daunting hassle, I highly recommend breaking your project up into small steps and making a little bit of progress every day, or as often as you're comfortable. 

Speaking of projects, I recently launched a secret Facebook group through my fan page. Seaspray's Shoal is an exclusive group for all ages to connect to a real-life mermaid, find members-only sales, secret meet & greet days not scheduled anywhere else, enjoy live videos, and see top-secret sneak peeks of all the wonderful things I have planned for this year. To learn more about Seaspray's Shoal, check out this link.  

One last thing before I wrap up today's post, I'm starting to learn every day is a special occasion. What I mean by that is I'm not going to wait for some unknown big event to use my fancy store-bought face mask. I'm going to use my store-bought face mask because today was a good day. Don't wait for some big reason to indulge in something, or you may never have a reason. Life is meant to be lived in the moment, not in anticipation of a moment.

You are amazing, seastars. Never forget that.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Discovering Courage

Alright, seastars, this one is going to sound a little silly. I've always had an issue with accepting gifts and money, regardless of the reason. And today I launched a GoFundMe campaign to help me build a better business, create quality content, launch a program designed to help children love reading, design a completely eco-friendly costume, and finally have a personalized domain for my website. 

This year is going to be a great year!

If you would like to donate to my campaign, follow this link. And if you have any questions about myself or my business, feel free to contact me here.

Okay, with the business stuff out of the way, I owe you a massive apology. I had said I would be posting every other day and it's been nearly 2 weeks. I am so sorry! My personal life suddenly got a tad dramatic and I had to withdraw and recollect myself. In the future, I will do my best to either schedule posts or warn you of a potential lapse in my blog.

Starfish wishes and mermaid kisses,


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Discovering Muscles

Hey, seastars! I recently started two new exercise routines and holy carp! I can really feel my muscles! I added exercise to my routine for a number of reasons, but the main motivator is my old friend- Self-Consciousness.
I've always struggled with my body image. That is to say, I have never truly liked how I looked. I was bullied in school, and out of school surrounded by rail-thin models and a barrage of constant reminders that I would never be good enough. I'm not talking about my direct home environment, of course. I'm referring to magazines, TV, and other forms of advertisement. The images we see in the media are distorted and unhealthy. I felt uncomfortable in my skin when I was swimming constantly, and out in the sun daily. Some of my self-hatred was age-related, sure. But those gorgeous super-models really played a role. How can anyone see themselves as the treasure they are when all they see are examples of things that don't exist. The magazine models are photoshopped and air-brushed into inhuman goddesses, strutting across shiny pages with their thin legs and long waists.

To be entirely honest, I have yet to shake my old friend; that ever-present companion that makes me avoid simple things like clothes shopping.  I am a mother. Motherhood changes everything from hormonal balance to bone structure. On average, it takes a woman at least a year to completely heal from giving birth. The movies lied! Movies make giving birth seem like a beautiful struggle that leaves women glowing, meandering out of the hospital with flat bellies and happy smiles. Now it is beautiful, in a raw emotion way. But I was sorely disappointed to learn I would not snap back into my old body. In fact, getting into shape proved difficult when I was given medical clearance. Exercises proved far more difficult than before baby. I was used to hating my body, but now my body was hating me! I gave up in a week.
Fast forward to this year. I've made a year-long commitment to change myself, and my life for the better. I finally am able to work two routines into my day. This time I went in with realistic expectations and forced myself to slow down. I forced myself to be kind to myself. And I feel great! I absolutely expect down days, I even expect to skip a few days. For now, I choose to bask in the good feeling. I've never really been one to like sitting around, and finally being able to work my muscles is a slice of Heaven.

Who knows? Maybe by the end of the year, I'll be rid of my toxic enemy, Self-Consciousness.

If you are trying to change any part of yourself or your life, please, please be kind to yourself. Take a breath and remember these things do take time. Actually, it takes around a month to notice a change. So hang in there, and don't be afraid to indulge in that cheesecake once in a while!

We can do this!

P.S. Check out my website and learn how you can become a member of Seaspray's Shoal today!
Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Seaspray's Shoal

Seaspray's Shoal is a secret group on Facebook designed to allow her fans to connect with Seaspray Mermaid on a personal level. For access to the group, interested parties must send the appropriate amount that aligns with their chosen Pier.

Members of Seaspray's Shoal will enjoy access to exclusive Meet & Greet days, member-only sales, educational posts, live videos hosted by Seaspray Mermaid, and a safe community created with younger viewers in mind.

This is a project I've been working on for ages! I am so excited to share Seaspray's Shoal with you.
For more information, check out my website.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Discovering Patience Pays Off

Hello, seastars! Personally, I am an impatient person. I want things to happen according to my timing and desires at the moment. It is difficult for me to rest in knowing my needs will be met. It is difficult to keep praying for aspects of my life to come together and not see the results right away. Allow me to reassure you, seastars, the patience pays off. I've been struggling with forming ideas to generate revenue through my mermaid entertainment business. Today I have truly been blessed. I have been gifted a Fujifilm instant camera, through that I will be able to sell photos and further invest in growing Seaspray Mermaid.
I allowed myself to live by faith and trust I will be provided all I need to run my business. And it is truly a major difference in my life. My worries have lifted off my shoulders, my social anxiety has lessened, I am becoming more difficult to anger, I've grown less offended. The world looks brighter.

Now all this change doesn't mean I'll have a bad day and lose sight of the truth. We all have bad days that feel like the world is set against us and that piece of gum on your shoe has a personal vendetta against you. It takes discipline to take a step back out of those darker days and be grateful for the small, happy moments-like waking up alive.
I know it's hard to see the good in the world, especially when we're spoonfed loads of negativity every day through our many screens. Take a break from that screen and really take in your surroundings! There are amazing, beautiful details in this world that hold immeasurable beauty. Rainbows in puddles and puppies galore!

Please, don't be impatient with yourself either. If you're learning anything new and you're not quite "getting it" just yet, keep pushing. That breakthrough is coming, you have to keep practicing, whatever that may mean in your situation. Never settle in the "I'm just bad at this" mentality! You can do it. I believe in you.
So if you're waiting on that promotion or just don't understand that math problem, stay patient and always be excellent. No one can ever argue with your excellence. And learn the power of "yet". Practice, ask for help, ask how you can improve, always, always keep reaching for the next level of excellence.

I've found the quickest cure for a bitter day is a grateful heart. I keep several lists of all the things I am deeply thankful for, this practice has really changed my overall outlook. I even list things that are seen as bad that I'm grateful for, like my dad's death. I miss my dad every day, but without him passing away I would never have met his family. I would never have discovered a message he left me on Facebook on my birthday the year he passed away. I would never have stumbled on his YouTube videos. So many blessings from one sad moment.

Learn patience, discover gratitude, stay kind.
I believe in you.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Discovering Motivation

Hello, seastars! Today will be about the one thing I struggle with the most, other than routine. Motivation is commonly seen as this constant driving force responsible for all accomplishment. I'm sorry, but the movie montage lied to you. Motivation is important, but it is only the gunshot at the start of your footrace.

Let's consider the footrace. Rather, all that leads up to a race. The first thing is interest, not everyone enjoys running. Then there is training, no racer wakes up race ready. Without conditioning their bodies, racers would hurt themselves trying to compete. Next is the day of the race, everyone is lined up, the air is thick with anticipation and adrenaline. The racers take their mark and a hush falls over the onlookers. The gun goes off and the racers surge to the finish line, all wanting the same goal. Not everyone will place high in this race, maybe not everyone will finish.
When you look at the winners of your favorite sports, what do they all have in common? They trained, hard. They devoted hours of time to practice. Honing their skills.  But why? Michael Phelps, by his own account in his book No Limits, was not always motivated to go to practice and he is the most decorated Olympian athlete. The answer is passion. You find that one thing that just lights a fire in your heart, and that fire stays lit. You pursue that fire, learning all you can about it. In some cases, you may need to condition your body in the pursuit. Finally, you're ready to get serious and compete with other people with that same fire. The competition is fierce and along the way, everyone feels that urge to quit. Some do. Others keep pushing out of discipline and passion. 

The three are tied together and cannot exist alone. Motivation, passion, and discipline. They work together at various points to keep your fire lit, even if it does not always shine the brightest. That's not the point. The point is to keep your fire burning the longest, always forging your path for the next season. Sometimes seasons take a long time to pass, sometimes seasons are revisited. But you will persevere.

I can't tell you how much time I've wasted waiting on motivation to light me up. The motivation to do my homework, to clean my home, to shovel my drive, to learn a new trick. Honestly, I still struggle with waiting for motivation. I know now that I need to be disciplined in my pursuits, whether those pursuits are personal or professional does not matter. I am passionate about my goals as a mermaid, there have been plenty of times my motivation lined up with my passion. But there have also been times I needed to exercise discipline instead of relying on motivation. Anything worth having or doing in your life deserves and requires hard work. From owning a puppy to pushing for that better lap time in the pool, everything worth pursuing is worth pursuing with discipline.

Whatever it is you are struggling to achieve, you can do it, you are strong and capable. And whatever you are struggling to achieve deserves all the hard work, discipline, and passion you can muster. Create your own motivation.

At the end of a long day creating your own motivation and striving to accomplish your herculean tasks, it's important (and nice) to pamper yourself. Today's mask is not a DIY, but is marketed at a price I feel is more than fair. I use the ELF Bubble Mask every night and the results are phenomenal. My skin is clearer, my makeup holds up longer, the massive breakout I recently developed is less red. All in 10 days. When I apply the mask, the bubbles form instantly and feel like 10,000 tiny feathers are tickling my face. The sensation is not overwhelming, though. I find it easy to remove the mask, and in the morning my skin is soft, hydrated, and glowing.

As always, be kind.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Rediscovering Routine

Hello, seastars and happy new year! It's the time of year for a fresh start, of new resolutions designed to make us better people. At least, that's the hope. I know I'm guilty of setting a million resolutions for myself and two weeks later quitting. I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves without the added stress of resolutions. If you want to set goals for yourself, please be realistic and work your way into it. Forming new habits is hard! If you slip once or twice, congratulations! You're human, breath, relax, start over. It is okay to make a mistake and it is certainly okay to start over and make new goals. 
It is important for those new goals to be SMART. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed. Having a long list of goals is great as long as you're not setting yourself up to fail. I like to look at goals as an X on the map of my journey. A destination. To reach that destination, I have to go on a journey of steps and follow the SMART route. My old list of resolutions was always so vague. It would look like this:
Get Healthy
Read the Bible more
Swim Faster
Do Better

Yikes! This list is ok but can be improved. None of these are specific, have a timeline, or work like stepping stones to the destinations this list represents. I'm the type of person that needs to have specific, outlined goals on a visible calendar, with reminders and rewards. I am also the type of person that has dedicated my life to rebelling against such things. I disliked routine until I realized there really is no better way to organize myself, and as a stay at home mother, my kid needs a routine.
Now my list looks more like a book!
Get Healthy. Every day replace one junk food with a healthy alternative, exercise at least once a day, find a doctor and make regular appointments. This item doesn't follow all of the SMART steps because I need to talk with a doctor about what my "healthy" looks like.
Read the Bible. Twice a day, follow my reading plan. Go to service when possible, get involved in the church. This goal is an ongoing journey and doesn't need a deadline, but this particular goal will change and grow as I do.
Swim Better. When training, I will film myself, record my breath hold, observe and count my various tricks, and adjust each technique in order to constantly strive for realism. Build strength and stamina, recording each in a lap lane-measure both with a time clock using a workout plan. Be in marathon shape by the end of 2019. I kept this one shorter, I have a lot of swimming related goals, a lot of which I'm keeping secret.

This list will grow and change as I grow healthier and my needs and desires change. Certain measurements I'll keep to myself, for now, I do intend to include the struggles and rewards of my health journey in this blog.

To read more about SMART goals check out this site.

Tell me about your resolutions in the comments, do you have any tips to stay on track?

Here's to the start of something great!
