Thursday, January 24, 2019

Discovering Persistence

Hello, seastars! Today I'm celebrating an officially monetized blog! Great, right? This blog would not be monetized without a lot of patience and persistence. In fact, a lot of things in my life wouldn't exist as they do without persistence. It's a lesson I've learned and re-learned countless times, and I know I'll keep learning it in the future. For now, I'll just enjoy the success.

I'll be the first one to tell you I have a tendency to throw in the towel early, a habit that deeply annoys me. Yes, you read that right. I annoy myself with my own habits. What happens is I get way ahead of myself and plan out something to the very last detail, if my plans are more long-term I get discouraged when I don't see results right away. A perfect example is my active GoFundMe campaign. My campaign, "Vision of a Mermaid", has only been live for a few days and so far I have not had a single donor. And to date, I have been the only one to share my campaign link. I'm happy to broadcast "Vision of a Mermaid", to be completely honest I wasn't sure how the campaign would be received. Ultimately, my plan is to take the funds earned from "Vision of a Mermaid" and invest in supplies to start a Kickstarter campaign. Yes, I have other goals for my GoFundMe account, like a high quality, completely eco-friendly costume. This costume would allow me to perform (hopefully) in tanks.  To read more about "Vision of a Mermaid" check out this link.

I've been learning to take the big projects that usually end up discouraging me one step at a time. Literally. It is far less intimidating for me to do one productive activity a day related to each of my projects. The difference this approach has made in my life, professional and personal, is truly astounding. I'm far more productive, I feel better about my progress, I'm happier, and my list of projects is shrinking (because they are actually getting done!). If you're like me and find big, long-term projects a daunting hassle, I highly recommend breaking your project up into small steps and making a little bit of progress every day, or as often as you're comfortable. 

Speaking of projects, I recently launched a secret Facebook group through my fan page. Seaspray's Shoal is an exclusive group for all ages to connect to a real-life mermaid, find members-only sales, secret meet & greet days not scheduled anywhere else, enjoy live videos, and see top-secret sneak peeks of all the wonderful things I have planned for this year. To learn more about Seaspray's Shoal, check out this link.  

One last thing before I wrap up today's post, I'm starting to learn every day is a special occasion. What I mean by that is I'm not going to wait for some unknown big event to use my fancy store-bought face mask. I'm going to use my store-bought face mask because today was a good day. Don't wait for some big reason to indulge in something, or you may never have a reason. Life is meant to be lived in the moment, not in anticipation of a moment.

You are amazing, seastars. Never forget that.


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