Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Discovering an Intro

Hello, seastars! You can expect this blog to be about learning to love yourself and find confidence in the fact you (yes you, with the amazing smile reading this) are incredible. I’ll be posting easy ways to pamper yourself, take care of yourself, handle anxiety and depression, perhaps a few corny jokes along the way. Through all of this fresh content, you’ll also learn a lot about me. Feel free to ask me any questions, I just ask that you respect it if I refuse to answer, some things need to stay private.

So! Let’s get this party started. Hi, I’m Seaspray, I have a few (undiagnosed) mental illnesses and a full history of (ignored) trauma. I also have been ignoring a thyroid condition for an embarrassing amount of time, to the chagrin of my mother. I make this promise to you, dear seastars, I will see the necessary professionals to handle my various issues.

To wrap this up, I leave you with this: Never, ever listen to that horrible voice in your head telling you you’re not worthy, that you shouldn’t waste anyone’s time, that you’re undeserving and lesser than. Tell that voice to take it’s nasty self and shove it. Because you are worthy, and deserving, and equal, and amazing! Yes you are.

Starfish wishes and lots of kisses,


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