Monday, December 10, 2018

Discovering New Routines

Hello, dear seastars. I've talked a bit about habits and how to rewire the brain. The next trick is to incorporate new, healthy habits into a manageable daily routine. Personally, I've always struggled with keeping up, I've noticed I give up when something interrupts my routine. I plan to change that about myself. How? I have no idea, I'm hoping that reporting to you will help. I do have an ideal routine in mind, in fact, I've planned this routine for weeks and still do not adhere to it. I've gotten in my own way of living how I want to live. Have you ever noticed that behavior? You want to do something and you know exactly how you want it done and it never happens. You become your own hurdle and stagnate. Eventually, whatever this new, exciting plan is dissipates and you find yourself back to square one. I've decided for myself, at some point I have to stop asking what's in my way and see I've become my own problem.

No more excuses for me! I've already started to adjust my sleeping pattern to help fit into my new routine. And I am determined to stick to it, regardless of any hurdles that may materialize in my path. I know there will be hurdles aplenty on this journey, most of which will be a direct consequence of my decisions. That said, anything worth doing should be done right.

Can I confess something to you? These changes I'll be making in my life scare me. I am a creature of habit and accepting change has never been easy for me. These changes will help me become a healthier person, inside and out. Over time, the routine will become a habit. I can tell myself these facts until I'm blue in the face, but that doesn't alleviate my fear. I can't even tell you why I'm scared. Maybe I'm afraid I'll become a better, stronger person? That reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?.." Marianne Williamson.

I love the challenge in that quote and I urge you, seastars, go and dare yourself to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous, and powerful. You are all of those things and more.

Tell me about how you deal with change in the comments. Do you have any tips or tricks you use to cope with bigger life changes?

Peace and joy.


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