Friday, December 14, 2018

Discovering Success in Failure

Hi, seastars. So far the growth hair mask is not working for me. It did make my hair wavy and shiny, both are fun side effects. I won't give up this project. I think we do that a lot. I know I have. You start something you're excited about, you do a lot of research, and when you get to the point you should see results they aren't what you expect. Sometimes we give up too early, or we forget to look at the process and learn. And if we find we didn't do anything wrong, we fail to see the positive side of failure. I was disappointed when I saw my hair is not growing like I expected. I used to have hair so long, people frequently asked if I had extensions. Let me tell you, I took a lot of pride in their surprised expressions when they learned I have never put extensions in my hair. I would love to have that length again and I had a lot of hope for this hair mask. I did everything right, I measured out the ingredients, mixed it well, let it sit, rinsed well. No results. I didn't step back and look at how healthy and wavy my hair looked. If you only look for the negative, that's all you'll ever find.

I find it difficult to stay focused on positive things in my life, often blaming myself for what goes wrong. This small experience with a hair mask actually opened my eyes to how negative I was becoming.  Yes, it is important to keep the rose color lenses off. But it's equally important to give yourself a break and rest in positivity. To rest in the unexpected results in your failure. I think we look at failure the wrong way. Failure isn't a bad thing, in fact, it's a tool. Alexander Fleming failed to clean his tools and discovered a life-saving medicine, penicillin. It's amazing what happens when you look for what went right, in any situation. And if you're like me and you blame yourself for something that you really don't have control over, be kind to yourself. Take a breath, step back and really look. And be honest. Is it really anyone's fault that ice forms at different rates? Is it really your fault there are spiders in your home?
 Yup, I got to a point where I was blaming myself for the spider on the ceiling. The positive to the spider on the ceiling (besides that it wasn't anywhere near me) was I knew I needed to look for access points and somehow cover them up. It sounds super corny, but there really is a silver lining to every rain cloud.

The most recent cloud for me is hair shorter than I want it, the silver lining? I haven't had such shiny hair in a little more than a decade. And who knows? If I keep up with the mask, maybe I'll see the results I want. There is always a positive spin to everything, just remember to be realistic. It is okay to be upset and disappointed. It is okay to not be happy! That 's normal. Give yourself time to notice and feel those feelings. And then find the positive. Alexander had a big mess in his lab, we all know the feeling of coming home and finding a mess. He decided to find a use for the mess and it saved and continues to save, so many lives.

Alright! That was a big rambly mess, and I hope you got something out of it. If you're new around here and want to know what mask I'm talking about, check out the blog post Discovering Self-Care. If you have an easy DIY self-care tip or learned how to find your silver lining, tell me all about it in the comments! I'll end this entry with a face mask I've had a lot of luck with. You'll need honey and cinnamon. I like to do this one right out of the shower. Combine enough honey to coat your face with about a tablespoon of cinnamon, mix them well! Then coat your face, avoiding your eyes (ouch) and hairline. I like to let mine sit until I'm done with the rest of my beauty routine (about 10 minutes), then I use a washcloth with warm water and small circles to rinse off the mask. What's left is fully exfoliated, glowing skin ready to take on the day. The powerful combo attacks acne by killing bacteria that contribute to inflamed pores. And, as a special bonus, cinnamon has astringent properties. That means shrinking pores!

Thank you for reading, seastars.

Have courage and be kind to yourself.


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